8-Step Effective Morning Routine

I don’t know about you, but establishing a morning routine can be hard. Over the years I have played with so many different routines, trying to find something that will stick and set the tone for my day.

When I say tone, I am referring to mindset. My days are long and busy, and if I don’t take 10 minutes for myself in the morning, I feel ungrounded and reactive.  

I recently discovered a method called priming, inspired by Tony Robbins that I wanted to share with you. Priming is the act of taking time to adjust your thoughts and emotions so you can live your life in a peak state. It is most powerful when completed as part of your morning routine to set a powerful tone for your day. 

It only takes 10 minutes and is having a tremendous impact on my life. By following these 8 steps, you can experience benefits in your performance, mood, and state of mind.

Start by Sitting

 Sit comfortably on your couch or a chair (the quieter the area, the better). Place both feet  on the floor and notice the connection of your feet supported by the ground. Begin to shift your shoulders back, chest up, hands interlaced behind your head, keeping your neck long and head high. Pause here for 1 MINUTE. 

Breathe Slowly

By changing your breath, you can change your state of being. There are many different options here, but I will suggest two for simplicity.

First breath practice is called box breathing. Breathe in to 4, hold for 4, and exhale for 4. Do this for 1 minute. Second breathing option is left nostril breathing. Close the right nostril with your right thumb and breathe deeply in and out of the left nostril. Practice for 1 minute.

Begin Heart Breathing

 Put your hands on your heart. Feel its effortless beating, and the power and strength as you breathe into it for 30 seconds.

Practice Gratitude

Think of three things you are grateful for right now. It can be anything and very simple. The smile of your child, the smell of coffee, the warm sun on your skin, anything. Step into each moment and picture it as vividly as possible. 3 minutes.

Start Visualizing

This is the more spiritual part of the process. It can be seen as a prayer or a blessing. I personally like to imagine a bright light at the crown of my head and I follow it down as it encompasses my whole body, healing and strengthening whatever needs to be healed (thoughts, feelings, emotions).

I imagine anxiety, darkness, and heaviness leaving my body. I ask for the best parts of me to be strengthened and silently say ‘I am whole and complete.’ 1.5 minutes.

Serve and Share

Now it’s time to serve and share. Send all the amazing energy you have created through your healing and strengthening and send it out to others. Feel the energy going out and pouring into your family, friends, colleagues, clients, strangers, anyone! 1.5 minutes.

Focus and Celebrate

Now think about three goals that you want to achieve the most. It can be short or long term goals, anything that will excite you once they are completed. For me, completing a marathon is a big goal. Every morning, I envision myself crossing the finish line and I see my smile, the tears, I can feel everything.

What would achieving your goals feel like? Place yourself in the position of achievement and celebrate that feeling of victory. Go through each goal with gratitude, fully experiencing the feeling of success. 3 minutes.

Go Kick Some Ass

Take as long you’d like to reflect on the positive, intentional work you did. You are now in an optimal state of mind, ready to go out and conquer your day. Give it a try and let me know how it goes!


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